Anyone for Webmention?

Because I don’t have a blog anymore, I’m too busy writing a JS-free theme from scratch (docs outdated) for the squat I live in − and future militant websites − to worry about this at the moment :slight_smile:

I just didn’t have time yet to implement it in the theme, but as you can see I’ve already thought it through. That’s the main reason I’m advertising for configurable cache TTL which nobody seems to care about ^^

Well you can do it with email (with or without PGP signature), and we could implement XMPP auth as well (super easy). But I find it weird indeed that there is no difference semantically between “this URL is also me” and “I trust this URL to authenticate me”.

An endpoint is a generic term to talk about a webpage processing requests. A webmention endpoint, like, will store for each of your pages, the pages that pinged them, and usually try to fetch information from them.

For instance, when it receives a request, will fetch the source URL (the page that pinged you) and parse its microformats to be able to serve you a JSON like this:

  "links": [
      "source": "",
      "verified": true,
      "verified_date": "2013-04-25T17:09:33-07:00",
      "id": 900,
      "data": {
        "author": {
          "name": "Tantek Çelik",
          "url": "",
          "photo": ""
        "name": "Another milestone: @eschnou automatically shows #indieweb comments with h-entry sent via pingback",
        "content": "Another milestone: <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https:\/\/\/eschnou\">@eschnou<\/a> automatically shows #indieweb comments with h-entry sent via pingback <a class=\"auto-link\" href=\"http:\/\/\/entry\/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html\">http:\/\/\/entry\/testing-indieweb-federation-with-waterpigscouk-aaronpareckicom-and--62-24908.html<\/a>",
        "published": "2013-04-22T15:03:00-07:00",
        "published_ts": 1366668180,
        "url": ""

This data was not contained in the webmention (just a ping of one URL to another). It was parsed on the receiving end from tantek’s website following the post-type discovery algorithm (see webmention spec).

That would be useful, at least for the in-reply-to field. Apart from this, p-name is your title, dt-published is your date (timestamp format), etc… so I think the rest of those “classes” is already in your frontmatter. But then, if you want to publish different contents than merely articles, you will probably need a new archetype (eg. for events/rsvps).

The microformats2 will allow other websites to read your website. Here you could receive a webmention, but try publishing a reply to someone (marked with u-in-reply-to). It will be considered a simple ping (like a pingback) because the remote website will be unable to understand where the post title/content is, what the associated image is, find your profile pic, etc…

So you could receive webmentions, in this case from services who do not speak microformats2. That’s because you’re going through which translates social interactions from silos (eg. Twitter) to standard microformats2 + webmention. So then can understand what this interaction is about.

Yes, all webmention-based interactions are on a per-URL basis. Usually, the place gathering all interactions is your webmention endpoint, there’s no need to display such a long list on your website.Your homepage may itself display its own webmentions, but usually we don’t because overtime it can become a long list of people linking to you :slight_smile:

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I was talking about a script to replace the direct integration via getJSON, or a script to replace at all (that is, become your webmention endpoint). Because if you integrate directly stuff from, there is no moderation layer. Any website talking webmention can ping your URL will adverts for viagra and end up on your website!

Also, there’s some data you may want to store locally from this webmention, like the person’s profile picture, so that you don’t have to serve all profile pics from different websites (which would allow for instance Twitter to track all your visitors).

So you really want an intermediary script somewhere, probably running on cron or on a git hook, that will fetch data, and create a PR per interaction to your repo with the JSON payload (in the data folder) and the person’s pic if we don’t have it yet (in the static folder).

Well you should do it in a git hook, that is a script running when your repo has been committed. From there, just detect changes to the content folder and send appropriate webmentions for new/edited content.

You may send webmention even if your content hasn’t changed, but that’s basically DDOSing people :stuck_out_tongue: so please only do it when your content has actually changed ^^

That’s not easier than sending a normal webmention. See the specs for what a webmention should look like. It’s litterally a HTTP request with two URLs inside.

It’s not going to waste. microformats2 and webmention are always useful dealing with people who don’t speak ActivityStreams/ActivityPub. But there’s only thousands of people speaking microformats2 for at least a million Mastodon users speaking ActivityPub without realizing.

What I meant when I say you should order your content following ActivityStreams vocab, is its vocabulary is more precise and standardized than microformats2, so it will be easier to use it as a structure for your content, and then output microformats2 with outputFormat HTML, and clean AS2 with activitystreams outputFormat (the other way around would be more complicated imo).

Hehe, that’s a happy encounter then :slight_smile:

I hope I could make some stuff more clear now?

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