No. But you can hide these pages so that search engines cannot index them.
Replicate your taxonomies as a folder structure under /content/
and then in the
add the following parameter:
hidden = "true"
And then in the head partial of your site you could include
{{ with .Params.hidden }}<meta name="robots" content="noindex">{{ end }}
Also change your sitemap.xml
template under /layouts/
<urlset xmlns="">
{{ range .Data.Pages }}{{ if not .Params.hidden }}
<loc>{{ .Permalink }}</loc>
{{ with .Sitemap.ChangeFreq }}
<changefreq>{{ . }}</changefreq>{{ end }}{{ if ge .Sitemap.Priority 0.0 }}
<priority>{{ .Sitemap.Priority }}</priority>{{ end }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}