I swear… I have been at Hugo for coming up on a year now and I still fail to understand things that must be pretty basic.
I’m setting a variable to be one of three values:
{{ if or ( eq .Params.category "Stairs") (in .Params.category "Stairs")}}
{{ $category := "Stairs" }}
{{ else if or ( eq .Params.category "Steel") (in .Params.category "Steel")}}
{{ $category := "Steel" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $category := "Wood" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $filenameBeginning := $category }}
I also tried it putting .Params.category in quotes. Same result.
{{ if or ( eq ".Params.category" "Stairs") (in ".Param.category" "Stairs") }}
{{ $category := "Stairs" }}
{{ else if or ( eq ".Params.category" "Steel") (in ".Param.category" "Steel") }}
{{ $category := "Steel" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $category := "Wood" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $filenameBeginning := $category }}
This gives me a server error on the last line saying that $category is undefined
Please tell me what I am not getting here?
Thank you in advance!