I’m a technical writer at a software company and we use Hugo for our knowledge base. We used to have a web developer who could help us keep the site up to date, but at this point I’m the person who does that. I’d like to update our version of Hugo, which is currently at 0.88.1, to the latest version. I did this on a test branch of the project and corrected the build errors, but now a function of the site seems to be broken: Markdown links to IDs on the current page are now adding a / to the beginning, so they take you to the homepage with the anchor link.
So far I’ve tried:
Making sure the baseURL is set in config.yml
Making sure goldmark is turned on
Inspecting the page to see what the rendered HTML shows, which is indeed a /#anchor.
What am I missing? Is there something in recent versions that changed the behavior here? We have a lot of custom functions and scripts and things, so perhaps one of them is interfering, but I’m not quite sure how to start an investigation. Any help would be appreciated!
Yes, it is a multilingual site. Here’s my config with some redacted sections. I’ve included the comments that were in there from past updates as well.
## In `make build`, `make local-build` and `make local-watch`, the baseURL defined here gets overridden by the --baseURL parameter passed to the hugo command
baseURL: https://redacted.com/
publishDir: dist
- source: content
target: content
- source: layouts
target: layouts
- source: data
target: data
- source: assets
target: assets
- source: static
target: static
## The mounts module doesn't pick up static/img as part of static/ so we declare it explicitly here
## Confirmed as of Hugo 0.80.0 that this explicit declaration is still necessary
- source: static/img
target: static/img
## Mount our @redacted/redacted-site-shared static files into Hugo's filesystem at /static
- source: node_modules/@redacted
target: static
## The mounts module doesn't seem to pick up shared/static/img as part of shared/static so we declare it explicitly here
## Strangely, this appears to be specific to shared/static/img as the module picks up static/fonts, static/favicon.ico, and static/icons just fine
- source: node_modules/@redacted
target: static/img
## Mount our @redacted/redacted-site-shared assets files into Hugo's filesystem at /assets
- source: node_modules/@redacted
target: assets
theme: hugo
defaultContentLanguage: en
title: redacted
preserveTaxonomyNames: true
enableGitInfo: true
disableHugoGeneratorInject: true
mainURL: https://redacted.com
blogURL: https://blog.redacted.com
supportURL: ""
i18nEnabled: true
themesDir: node_modules/@redacted/redacted-site-shared
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
article: /:filename/
- \.ts$
## We set "unsafe: true" to allow embedding HTML in our Markdown in places where we need it (e.g. specific classes, cases where we can't/don't use shortcodes, etc.)
unsafe: true
keepWhitespace: false
keepQuotes: false
weight: 1
flag: ca
languageName: English
weight: 2
title: Soporte técnico de redacted
flag: es
languageName: Español
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
weight: 2
title: redacted Support
flag: de
languageName: Deutsch
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
weight: 2
title: Support Technique de redacted
flag: fr
languageName: Français
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
weight: 2
title: redacted サポート
flag: jp
languageName: 日本語
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
weight: 2
title: Supporto redacted
flag: it
languageName: Italiano
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
weight: 2
title: Поддержка redacted
flag: ru
languageName: Pусский
category: category
topic: topic
series: series
Nothing is jumping out at me. Let’s go the other direction. Here’s a multilingual site. Go to Post 1, in either language, and click on the link to section 3 on the same page.
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-53333 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-53333
cd hugo-forum-topic-53333
hugo server
The above is a really simple site. Perhaps you can compare it to yours to determine what’s different.
The header link works fine on the example repo you posted, so it definitely has something to do with mine, I just can’t seem to track down where the issue is. I don’t have any layouts/_default/_markup file or folder, just list.html and single.html in the _default folder.
I considered that it might be a script modifying things, but turning off JS in my browser and then opening the local server still gives me the same issue…
Okay I think I figured it out! I thought this issue was happening throughout pages, but it was specifically within several shortcodes that we use often. One is a table of contents, which has this as its layout:
I also need to do this for other shortcodes where we use markdownify since inner links will be broken there as well. Is there perhaps a better solution than the one I just showed?
Instead of playing the regex game, let’s try replacing markdownify with .Page.RenderString, then test again. And the .Page.RenderString method returns the template.HTML data type, so you don’t have to pass it though the safeHTML function. This should be sufficient:
Thank you, that does work! There’s one other template for a platform switcher functionality where that doesn’t work, though. Here’s the contents of the iOS one… I’m guessing it has to do with the variables set earlier on?