.AddDate works for "now" but not for a time.Time variable


  • I am using (now.AddDate 1 0 0) without problem.
  • Documentation says .AddDate works for a time.Time variable.
  • When I try to apply .AddDate to a regular time.Time variable, i get a Hugo error.
  • I search on a lot of changelog but could’nt find anything about a change in this area.

Any light ? Idea ?

# config.toml
        myvariable  = "2019-05-01"
{{ $_x     := $.Page.Site.Params.global.myvariable | time }}
{{ $_x }}

this prints 2019-05-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC as expected

When i try {{ $_x.AddDate 1 0 0 }} i get this error :slight_smile:

ERROR 2018/12/18 17:20:50 Failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: "/Users/didiergeorgieff/Documents/Git/lagouille.com/layouts/portfolio/single.html:25:6": execute of template failed: template: portfolio/single.html:24:3: executing "portfolio/single.html" at <partial "portfolio-s...>: error calling partial: "/Users/didiergeorgieff/Documents/Git/lagouille.com/layouts/partials/portfolio-single.html:25:6": execute of template failed: template:partials/portfolio-single.html:26:19: executing "partials/portfolio-single.html" at <partial "saison.html...>: error calling partial: "/Users/didiergeorgieff/Documents/Git/lagouille.com/layouts/partials/saison.html:25:6": execute of template failed: template: partials/saison.html:25:6: executing "partials/saison.html" at <$_x.adddate>: can't evaluate field adddate in type time.Time

It’s most likely a stupid bug, see https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5538

That said, if you remove the quotes => myvariable = 2019-05-01 you should not need the time func and this should work fine.

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Yes, it’s a bug, but a current workaround is to split the declaration in 2:

{{ $time := $.Params.MyDate }}
{{ $time = $time | time }}
PARAMS TIME: {{ $time.AddDate 1 0 0 }}
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Perfect !! Thanks a lot for the reactivity (and the few other stuff :slight_smile: )

Note that this also works:

{{ $time := $.Params.MyDate | time }}
{{ $time = $time.AddDate 0 1 0 }}
PARAMS TIME: {{ $time.Format "2006-01-02" }}

But this fails:

{{ $_x :=  $.Params.MyDate | time }}
{{ $_x.AddDate 1 0 0 }}

Which I guess is a more unusual construct, which is the reason why we have not seen this issue before.