I would like to add [params] to a module that contains shortcodes. Those shortcodes might need configuration for hosts or design elements. Right now this is not possible (I tested to add a [param] section to the modules config section and added there are namespaced parameter. Using it with a default in the template that uses that module resulted in the default to be echoed, so I assume it’s not possible).
I solve this currently by adding defaults to my shortcodes like the following:
and add a note to the README.md that the shortcode can be configured by
disabled = false
That works, but requires some more “use of brain” by the user and the developer of the module. Also overriding modules accidentally by having the same namespace name is easier.
Would it be possible to add a new [param] section to module config.toml that is available further down the line for instance by forcing the modulename in the resulting parameter?
You can even have a partial for checking if all is correct (see plausible_check.html)
But when you add some [params.yournamespace.xxx], those [params.yournamespace] and al. in your theme are no more available. So you have to give them again (the default option is really helpfull tho in this case)
hmmm… I was thinking along the lines of namespaces, but I somehow expected, that I could work with one global namespace (dnb) for all my products and then a lower level namespace (shortcodes) for the module I am using. So probably in my testing the param.dnb.shortcodes was ignored, because i have a param.dnb.somethingelse in my global config.
I’ll test again if double brackets (aka “tables”) change anything… well, in the end param.dnb-shortcodes is ok too I guess.
Ok, so I have looked over your module and the recent post and that is basically how I implemented it now, with a one-dimensional namespace, let’s call it that.
The problems (more or less not “real world” problems, but wannahaves or itwouldbenices) I am still having are two:
(and I know Bep’s answer to this) is, that in an ideal world my module would define 10 parameters under it’s namespace and the user want to just change one single parameter. That one single parameter should overwrite it’s counterpart in the config below (from the theme or module used by the theme)
I have many websites made with hugo and want to reuse module(s) because why re-inventing the wheel if it rolls the first time. So I really think that some kind of “level”-control should be possible. If I use params.dnb. for everything and then subsequent sublevels, I would not want to break each other if used concurrently. It makes sense to have many namespaces, but they tend to be long. Having for instance params.dnb as “everything done by davidsneighbour” and then subsequent “lokal” namespaces, maybe by defining something like paramnamespaces = ["dnb", "someothernamespace"] (on the other side, that again is work for the end-user).
So in the end… maybe it’s all just how you use it - one proper namespace per module. But let’s filter out one “side-idea” I had: How about giving a module a way to define a slug moduleslug = dnb (or path (moduleslug = "dnb.shortcodes")) in the config of the module (or done automatically by using the modules name) that is used inside of Hugo's params section as params.dnb.shortcodes.somethingelse` for further configuration? That’s a question for people understanding Hugos Go code. I tried diving into the config module this week and apart from that the config of modules is something different of the “normal” config I did not understand much. humbled.
That sounds perfect. And it removes everything that the end-user would have hassle with (like [params] headers and sorting of parameters). It might be exactly what I need, including all the overriding and segmentation features that I might require. I will sleep over it and test it out.
Sorry for the off-topic question, but how do you generate the symbols (└,─,│) for the file structure? The hugo docs are filled with them. Do they do them by hand?