Accessing nested sections in headless bundle

I need help with accessing a nested section in a headless bundle.

My content structure:

      |––items [layout = "items"]
               |––– [headless = true]
                |––– [headless = true]

In layouts > products > items.html

The following gives all pages in categories and data.

{{$headlessbundle := .Site.GetPage "products/items"}}
{{range ( $headlessbundle.Resources.ByType "page" )}}

But if I only want to get the pages from data, and I change the path:

{{$headlessbundle := .Site.GetPage "products/items/data"}}
{{range ( $headlessbundle.Resources.ByType "page" )}}

I get the following error message:

<$headlessbundle.Reso...>: can't evaluate field Resources in type *hugolib.Page

How do I access the pages only from data?

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Try changing



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