Accessing data from JSON data files By Price

How to place the top listing with the highest price.


  "fruits": [
    "no": 1,
    "name": "Peer",
    "price": 12,
    "id_product": "1382"
    "no": 2,
    "name": "Watermolen",
    "price": 19,
    "id_product": "1381"
    "no": 3,
    "name": "Blueberry",
    "price": 13,
    "id_product": "1387"


{{ $listproduct := site.Data.products.fruits }}

{{ range $listproduct }}
    <li>{{.name}} | {{.price}}$</li>
{{ end }}

So the highest price of the product is always at the top of the list! any solution friend?

{{< list-products >}}

1. Watermelon | 19$
2. Blueberry | 13$
3. Peer | 12$

Thank you :smiley:

  {{ range (sort site.Data.products.fruits "price" "desc") }}
    <li>{{ .name }} | {{ .price }}</li>
  {{ end }}

Oke thanks, sir.


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