A simple example to create a csv file

I searched a couple of evenings, how to create a csv file with a list of eg. page names.
I didn’t find a clear solution. I have a website generated by Hugo, but I want to create a csv file with a list of page names, What should be added to the Hugo configuration file, what other template files, etc. should be created? So, what are the steps?

Lets create a list of all pages for the current site containing

  • page title
  • absolute Url

create a basic site in the current directory in subfolder csv

shorthand to create a site with some default content and templates without the need for a theme.

hugo new theme --themesDir . csv
cd csv

tell hugo to create an additional csv file for the “Home Page” only

add this to hugo.toml

   home = ['html', 'csv']

create a template that creates our list as csv

create a file layouts/_default/home.csv.csv with the following content:

{{ range.RegularPagesRecursive }}
{{- .LinkTitle -}};{{- .Permalink }}
{{ end -}}

generate the site and check the result

just call hugo and check have a look at public/index.csv which will be:

Post 3;https://example.org/posts/post-3/
Post 2;https://example.org/posts/post-2/
Post 1;https://example.org/posts/post-1/

hint: study the usage of the template delimiters {{- -}} and {{ }} to control white space and and newlines

Excelent!!! This is the example I want. Thnx!!!

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