A question about updates and dates of hugo releases

sorry for my lack of knowledge in this. But according to hugo releases on https://github.com/spf13/hugo/releases shows Jun 6 as the latest. I’m assuming this date also reflects the dates of the precompiled Debian packages.

Either way, and bear with me here, I think it was long after that date, that I reinstalled hugo. But I could be wrong too.

Now, all of a sudden, yesterday actually, I noticed some discrepancies pushing to github. The page would not display all the files. It would display accordingly in localhost, but not on github.

The problem started, after trying out one of the themes. Shiori, but I guess whether it matters or not, it’s something I have no clue. The error was related to archetypes, but odd enough, after creating one, it went away.

I looked up the issue about archetypes, but there was no nearby resolution - unfortunately I don’t have the cache history anymore, because I think I cleared it, since I was having problems in github, and didn’t know if it was related. So I went on and everything seemed to work fine in my end. The problem kept happening in github though.

So I googled again for hugo github problems and the first hit was at https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/1802 that seemed to affect across GNU/Linux.

then and only then after upgrading, the static pages would show up in github.

It just seems ironic, that at one point I thought about suggesting to have the Downloads section at https://github.com/spf13/hugo/releases moved to the top of the page, since it wasn’t visible enough, unless one would read all the changes of the release, and now the only solution was to upgrade hugo.

My question is this: I was running v0.16 as recent as three (3) days ago, and it just failed now after pushing the theme?

I guess the documentation in gohugo.io is the recommended source of information then.

Before I forget it, Thanks for the engine guys.

If you’re using a Debian package, you’ll need to ask the Debian package maintainers about what they’re releasing.

Is that your question? Only you can know the answer to that.

moore, not now, obviously. But at one point I was. I’m just trying to figure out at what point it happened, that’s all, but like @bep suggested I would only know the answer to that :slight_smile:

yeah. Bep the only difference I can think of now is between different flags being used, if I’m not mistaken here, and I had installed hugo with $ go get -v github.com/spf13/hugo, and now the added flag was -u and the issue was with afero then it explains it?

The -u flag instructs get to use the network to update the named packages
and their dependencies.  By default, get uses the network to check out
missing packages but does not use it to look for updates to existing packages.