404 during quickstart

So, when I build the following site and click on the first post link, I get a 404:

hugo new site journal
cd journal
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/dashdashzako/hugo-journal themes/hugo-journal
echo theme = \"hugo-journal\" >> config.toml
hugo new entry/frist-post.md
hugo server -D

But when I build this site, the first post link works:

hugo new site journal
cd journal
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/ianrodrigues/hugo-tailwind-journal themes/hugo-tailwind-journal
echo theme = \"hugo-tailwind-journal\" >> config.toml
hugo new entry/frist-post.md
hugo server -D

The only difference is the theme (hugo-journal vs hugo-tailwind-journal). I can use the second theme- it’s not a big deal, but I’d like to know how I go about debugging something like this, to figure out what’s going on?

├── _default
│   ├── list.html
│   └── single.html
├── partials
│   ├── bottom.html
│   └── top.html
├── post
│   └── single.html
├── shortcodes
│   └── fig.html
├── 404.html
└── index.html

You created a single content page, of type “entry”. If you inspect Hugo’s lookup order for regular pages, the first matching entry from the theme’s layout directory is layouts/_default/single.html.

If you open themes/hugo-journal/layouts/_default/single.html you will find an empty file. I have no idea why the theme author chose to do this.

Thanks! I’m marking this as the solution.

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