Updating a Content page broke multiple ref links


So there’s a few things I want to point out:

  1. You have both
    1.1. content/assignments.md and
    1.2. content/assignments/...
    and I am guessing there’s gonna be some collisions here, as 1.1 is a regular page and 1.2 is (I’m guessing intended to be) a section page. Hugo will try to render yoursite.com/assignments/ as one or the other. In fact when I try to run your site, I get different results on navigating to http://localhost:1313/www/assignments/: the section page version with a list of the child contents; the regular page-type with the table in content/assignments.md.

I can only guess what you actually want here; but I would suggest that you move the current content/assignments.md to content/assignments/_index.md. That markdown table would then be the .Content for /assignments/_index.md and should show up before the list of child content when you navigate to http://localhost:1313/www/assignments/.

Read more about content organisation here: https://gohugo.io/content-management/organization/

  1. Your config has the following taxonomies definition:
  tag = ""
  group = ""
  category = ""

This is not the correct way to disable generating taxonomies; this might be causing unintended results and errors as well. This is how you are supposed to do it: https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#default-taxonomies