Unexpected replacement of :counter in resources→title/name

In the example I provided, there are 3 PDF files, and I wanted to first set the title of just one pdf file. So the alternative you provided would not work, as that would auto-set the titles of all 3 PDF files.

I thought that the example:

  src = "documents/photo_specs.pdf"
  title = "Photo Specifications"
  src = "**.pdf"
  name = "pdf-file-:counter"

was unambiguous… set title for just one file and counter-based name for all files.

The counter is grouped by the matcher + first occurrence of either title or name.

How about: “An individual counter should be grouped to matcher for each title and name, but only for the entities that use the :counter placeholder.

So in the example I posted, the counter will be grouped only with the second matcher, as only that uses :counter.

If the example had been:

  # using arbitrary glob
  src = "**s.pdf"  
  title = "PDF s #:counter"
  src = "**.pdf"
  name = "pdf-file-:counter"

"documents/photo_specs.pdf" would get a title like "PDF s #1", but name like "pdf-file-3". This was quite an arbitrary example, and thus an arbitrary outcome.

But this would then allow a normal example like in my original post to work as expected.