Support - TailwindCSS - HTML Template change not triggering CSS/PostCSS rebuild


Upon further inspection, and some more reading on similar discussions in the forum, something very similar seems to have been reported in the past, prior to hugo_stats.json and cachebusters implementation.

I am wondering if tailwind’s @tailwind directive could have something to do with all of this (in main.scss)

I’ve tried using SASS’s @import directive, importing tailwind from assets/external-deps/tailwindcss/tailwind after mounting node_modules/tailwindcss to assets/external-deps/tailwindcss/ through the hugo union filesystem, but in my scenario, libsass fails to resolve directories in the union fs.

@bep sorry for the direct mention, pinging you since it’s related to your tailwindcss basic implementation.

Hopefully this is just an oversight on my end and not a hugo issue.

Thanks in advance for your assistance :slightly_smiling_face: