[Solved] (Personal tracker) Errors after upgrading to 0.112.x from 0.111.3

Update. Found the culprit.

Since my different sites are using the same settings mostly, I recently switched the /config/ files into a module.

Pre-0.112, if you are missing an entry for the default language as defined in hugo.toml in your languages section (or languges.toml in my case), it will still work if _deep merge is enabled.

In 0.112, this is no longer possible. You have to declare the default language as well (other than the other languages you are using).

Here’s how it looks like in 0.111.x:

I. Moduled /config/languages.toml

some settings here

some settings here

II. Local /config/languages.toml

_merge = "deep"

site specific settings here

Here’s how it should be in 0.112.x:

I. Moduled /config/languages/toml
same as previous

II. Local /config/languages.toml

_merge = "deep"


site specific settings here

It can be empty.

Once it’s fixed, all the other errors mentioned, like the UTC error, disappeared.

I’m not sure if this is the way it should be, but it makes sense. The default language is looked for first and thus should be declared locally even if you’re deep merging it from a module. Without it, Hugo throws the first error it encounters where it needs to know the default language, like in this case delimit, and when I removed it, next was UTC (see original post).

Case solved.

Minor edit: fixed versions (I was way ahead :stuck_out_tongue: )