[SOLVED] How to put posts at the root of the site?

I have a blog with all the posts as www.<<sitename>>.com/post-slug/

I am using casper theme to try out migrating to hugo. But, if I put all the posts in the /contents/ folder, it doesn’t appear. If I put everything inside posts folder, it works fine. I do understand that this is something called sections. But is this possible to put my blog posts in the root? Or defining something in the posts folder which makes urls at the root? I am bit confuse how sections works.

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I did with the parmalink option as mentioned here: https://npf.io/2014/08/hugo-beyond-the-defaults/

@kirtan403 Mind adding a “[SOLVED]” to the title of this thread for better future-proofing? Cheers.

Done :thumbsup: