How to override hugo generated link

I have issue with one article. It is generated with link but I would like to have it generated with dashes “-” instead of dots “.” Unable to update vCSA 6.5 to 6.7 – quick fix -

Here is the post content

title: "Unable to update vCSA 6.5 to 6.7 – quick fix"
author: Wojciech Marusiak
date: 2018-10-17T07:00:57+00:00

  - Standard


I’d like to preserve title with dots in the post but link should be with dashes.

How can I achieve that?


you can use slug.

title: "Unable to update vCSA 6.5 to 6.7 – quick fix"
author: Wojciech Marusiak
date: 2018-10-17T07:00:57+00:00
++ slug: unable-to-update-vcsa-6-5-to-6-7-quick-fix
  - Standard


the content’s slug (or title if no slug is provided in the front matter)

1 Like

It worked. Thanks a lot @pamubay

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