Running commands after importing a module

Well, it depends. If what you really want is something like I have at which is currently just a list of sub-‘sites’ each which is completely independent (and can be deployed independently of each other) then the solution is to use a theme that supports building with a baseURL such as, or for the other project:, and (my plan for this site) optionally add a top-level site that points to the others. When you deploy projectA you would deploy projectA to the /path/to/ and likewise with projectB to it’s subdirectory.

If on the other hand you need them to be a unified site, then I would suggest that you have a top-level ‘About’, and that you rename Troubleshooting according to what you are troubleshooting (since in a search engine ‘Troubleshooting’ is not very unique, you probably would do well to have names like ‘Troubleshooting DS-1’ and ‘Troubleshooting SSD Model A’ in any event).

For automated renaming, I don’t think there is a way, but if you can show us the error message (and preferably your repos as well: Requesting Help) we might be able to suggest another way of doing the reference in the layouts so that you don’t get the complaint from Hugo.

For instance .Page.TranslationKey should be unique for every page on the site as it is based on the full path.