Resource with 2 names in front matter works differently


In my file for article, I have the following front matter:

date: 2018-08-29
title: "A big project with featured image"
description: "With pictures it's much better"
categories: ["Photo"]
tags: ["project", "image"]
  - src: sunset.jpg
    name: header thumbnail

The resources has 2 names (header and thumbnail), one used for image processing in a specific layout (single) and the second name requested by another theme.
When having only one name it works well, but not with two names for the same theme.
Is it possible to have 2 different names for the same resource (in bundle leaf) and how to deal with?

  • Image is displayed with the single layout (extract)

    {{ with $.Resources.GetMatch “header” }}
    {{ $tinyw := .Resize “500x” }}
    {{ $smallw := .Resize “800x” }}
    {{ $mediumw := .Resize “1200x” }}
    {{ $largew := .Resize “1500x” }}
    class=“lazyload blur-up”
    alt="{{ .Name | plainify }}"
    src="{{ $smallw.RelPermalink }}"
    srcset="{{ $tinyw.RelPermalink }} 320w,{{ $smallw.RelPermalink }} 768w,{{ $mediumw.RelPermalink }} 1024w,{{ $largew.RelPermalink }} 1280w" sizes=“90vw”>
    {{- end }}

  • Image is not displayed in the list layout (extract):

    span class=“post-title”>
    {{ if .Resources.GetMatch “header” }}
    {{ $image100 := (.Resources.GetMatch “header”).Fill “100x100 Center” }}
    img class=“lazyload blur-up” data-src="{{ $image100.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ .Name | plainify }}" > {{ end }}
    h3 >{{ .Title }}
    p>{{- .Description -}}/p>

Note that when I delete the second name in front matter (thumbnail) every is fine without modifying both layouts.