Problems use `where` with dates

Looking at this is the closest i got to something that works:

{{ range .Pages.ByParam "event_date" }}
  {{ if (time .Params.event_date).After now }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

I wanted to paginate, but, with with something like this, you end up with blank pages:

{{ range (.Paginator 6).Pages.ByParam "event_date" }}
  {{ if (time .Params.event_date).After now }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

And attempting a where function in the range, instead of an if function after the range has begun, like this, only results in errors:

{{ range where (.Paginator 6).Pages (time .Params.event_date).After now }}
{{ end }}

But i think i’ve got my syntax wrong.

But perhaps others with benefit from the link above. It at least got me something working, albeit not exactly what i wanted.