Preprocessor / additions to markdown's syntax

@markand to give you an idea of how shortcodes might help with your use case:

Create the following at layouts/shortcodes/alert.html:

<div class="alert alert-{{.Get 0}}" role="alert">{{.Get 1}}</div>

Then in your markdown files you can call this shortcode anywhere you want within the content/body copy for the file:

{{< alert "info" "This is a notice." >}}

This should then render as follows:

<div class="alert alert-info">This is a notice.</div>

If you want the added ability to write the copy for the alert in markdown, you can use the alternate shortcode syntax at layouts/shortcodes/alert.html

<div class="alert alert-{{.Get 0}}" role="alert">{{- .Inner -}}</div>

But you would then have to call the shortcode using the %:

{{% alert "info" %}}
This is a **notice**.
{{% /alert %}}

Which would render as…

<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">This is a <strong>notice</strong>.</div>