Possible to only display 1 post from each taxonomy from list.html?

@Justin_Parks Sorry for the delay, but it’s been a crazy week. I think I may have a considerably DRYer solution for you:

{{range $chap,$tax := .Site.Taxonomies.chapter}}
    {{ range first 1 $tax.Pages.ByDate.Reverse}}
    <li><a class="tag" href="{{.Permalink}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>

I’m not sure if the {{.Permalink}} is going to work within the anchor within the li since I’m unaware of your intended site architecture. If there is a terser solution, I’m betting @digitalcraftsman has it at the ready.

Are you trying to make each list item link to the taxonomy page for the chapter OR the actual post?

What I gave you above will link directly to the post, but if you want to link to the taxonomy list page for the entire chapter, change the <li> as follows:

<li><a href="/chapter/{{$chap}}">{{$chap | humanize | title}}</a>
<!--Assuming you want to title case the title of the chapter; if not, remove "| title"-->

Also, looking at your repo, I think you’re adding some unnecessary templating. E.g., the follwoing from your [book.html] (https://github.com/kaigon/testsite/blob/master/layouts/partials/book.html) partial:

{{ if and (isset .Params "chapter") (and (not (eq .Params.chapter "")) (not (eq .Params.chapter nil))) }}
  <div class="tags tags--chapter">
    {{ range .Params.chapter }}
      <a href="{{ "/chapter/" }}{{ . | urlize }}" class="tag" title="books in the &ldquo;{{ . }}&rdquo; chapter">
        <span>{{ . }}</span><i class="icon-tag" data-grunticon-embed></i>                            
    {{ end }} 
{{ end }}

I think for what you’re trying to do, you can get away with the following:

{{with .Params.chapter}}
  <div class="tags tags--chapter">
    {{range . }}
    <a href="/chapter/{{ . | urlize }}" class="tag" title="books in the &ldquo;{{ . }}&rdquo; chapter">
      <span>{{ . }}</span><i class="icon-tag" data-grunticon-embed></i>                            

It seems like title="Pages in the {{. | title }} Chapter" would make more sense, but I don’t have access to the complete site :wink:

You’re also keeping all your single-page layouts/_default/single.html. I think you’d be better off creating a single.html for each respective section rather than trying to treat a partial like a layout…just a thought.