Please help me add an external link to my site

<a href="{{ .Site.Params.cta.btnURL }}" class="btn btn-main">{{ with .Site.Params.cta.btnText }} {{ . }} {{end}}</a>
                         ^^^ Note this                                  and this  ^^^

{{ .Site.Params.cta }} corresponds to [params.cta] in your config.toml. Read more about .Site.Params here: Site variables | Hugo

What does your services partial look like?

If you are copied {{ .Site.Params.cta.btnURL }} as is, then it wouldn’t pick up the values of [], but instead use [params.cta].

But I’m just guessing here. Without seeing what your actual code looks like, that is all I or anyone can do, guess. Which is why we ask that people asking for help in these forums read Requesting Help, which recommends that you share the actual code.

The theme you are using constructs the URL that way in this line:

{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}#{{ .URL }}

Assuming you are running hugo server,

  • $.Site.BaseURL will resolve to http://localhost:1313
  • .URL will resolve to ""