Order data files by secondary parameter

Ok… I think is a little ugly, but it works. It will return sorted map.

Biblio data (\data\bibliography.toml)

id = "1"
type = "book"
title = "Book 1"
publisher = "Publisher 1"

  family = "Author 3"
  given = "a1"

  year = "1905"
id = "2"
type = "book"
title = "Book 2"
publisher = "Publisher 2"

  family = "Author 1"
  given = "a2"

  year = "5091"
id = "3"
type = "book"
title = "Book 3"
publisher = "Publisher 3"

  family = "Author 2"
  given = "a3"

  year = "1905"

and the code

{{$k := .Site.Data.bibliography.references}}
{{ range $i, $v := $k }}

  {{- if $i -}}{{- end -}}
  {{$a := slice .id .title .type .publisher}}
  {{$b := .author}}
  {{ range $o, $p := $b }}
    {{- if $o -}}{{- end -}}
    {{$c := slice .family .given}}
    {{$d := union $a $c}}
    {{$d0 := index $d 0}}
    {{$d1 := index $d 1}}
    {{$d2 := index $d 2}}
    {{$d3 := index $d 3}}
    {{$d4 := index $d 4}}
    {{$d5 := index $d 5}}
    {{$.Scratch.SetInMap "biblio" $d4 (dict "id" $d0 "type" $d1 "family" $d4) }}     



{{$.Scratch.GetSortedMapValues "biblio"}}

The clue is to range twice, build a two slice, marge it, and used $.Scratch.SetInMap and $.Scratch.GetSortedMapValues to get the map sorted. All later taken randomly, sort are made with value of $d4.