Nested menus

Hi there,

In your example:

name = "Ops"
url = "/ops/"
identifier = "ops"
weight = 6
  • main is the menu
  • that menu item is one menu entry
  • a menu entry has these properties that you can define
    • which includes the parent field
    • as well as the weight field


name = Parent Item
url = "/mama-foo/"
identifier = "foo"

name = Child Item
url = "/baby-bar/"
identifier = "bar"
parent = "foo"

You might need an identifier for when you have menu entries that have the same name, or an entry that appears multiple times (and, for example, have diffferent child menus).

It’s probably easier to play around with a smaller lorem ipsum site to see how Hugo works, instead of diving straight into a messy pile. Also, please note Requesting Help and Recommended Reading Reference .

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