Need better debugging support

What I do is to have a partial that is a JavaScript script populated with console.log statements containing Hugo tags.

Use of the partial in the build is controlled by a site parameter so I can easily turn it on/off.

Here is an example:

{{/* Output to JavaScript Console only - see baseof.html */}}
    console.log('-------- Hugo Debug: Theme = Twenty-Sixteen -------')
    console.log('HUGO_ENV: ', '{{ (getenv "HUGO_ENV") | default "NOT SET" }}')
    console.log('Long Env: ', '{{ (getenv "HUGO_ENV") | (getenv "ENVIRONMENT") | default .Site.Params.env | default "DEV" }}')
    console.log('Is Prod?: ', '{{ (eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production")) }}')
    console.log('Page Kind: ', '{{.Page.Kind}}')
    console.log('Current Section: ', '{{.Page.CurrentSection | default "NOT SET" }}')
    console.log('Page Section: ', '{{.Page.Section | default "NOT SET" }}')
    console.log('Page Type: ', '{{.Page.Type}}')
    console.log('Page Dir: ', '{{.Page.Dir | default "/" }}{{ .File }}')
    console.log('Page Wd: ', '{{.Page.FuzzyWordCount}}')
    console.log('Page Home?: ', '{{.Page.IsHome}}')
    console.log('Page Node?: ', '{{.Page.IsNode}}')
    console.log('Page Page?: ', '{{.Page.IsPage}}')
    console.log('Page Date: ', '{{.Page.Date}}')
    console.log('Page Lastmod: ', '{{.Page.Lastmod}}')
    console.log('Page Date=Lastmod?: ', '{{ (eq .Page.Lastmod .Page.Date) }}')
    console.log('Page Date<>Lastmod?: ', '{{ (ne .Lastmod .Date) }}')
    console.log('Section Parent: ', '{{ with .Parent}}{{ .Dir | default "/" }}{{ .File }}{{end}}')
    console.log('Sharing Icons?: ', '{{ .Site.Params.Sharingicons | default "NOT DEFINED" }}')
    console.log('Comments?: ', '{{ .Params.comments | default "NOT DEFINED" }}')
    console.log('Disquss?: ', '{{ $.Site.DisqusShortname | default "NOT DEFINED" }}')
    console.log('Google Analytics?: ', '{{ .Site.GoogleAnalytics | default "NOT DEFINED" }}')
    console.log('Count of related pages: ', '{{if .Page.IsPage}}{{ len (.Site.RegularPages.Related .) }}{{end}}' )
    console.log(': ', '')

But yes, it is hard to debug Hugo. Not as hard as Jekyll though, in my - very limited - experience.