Maybe, this link would be helpful for you.
And I don’t get the point what’s the benefit hardcoded the menu.
The more general way is to make a menu.toml file in the config folder and use it something like this.
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<a href="{{ .URL | relURL }}">
{{ safeHTML .Name }}
{{ end }}
You can also active menu by compare the last URL element
{{ $lastUrlElement1 := index (last 1 (split (delimit (split .Permalink "/") "," "") ",")) 0 }}
{{ $lastUrlElement2 := index (last 1 (split (delimit (split $currentURL "/") "," "") ",")) 0 }}
{{ if eq $lastUrlElement1 $lastUrlElement2 }}
<div class="active"></div>
{{ end }}
You can set $currentURL
outer scope of the range