Multilanguage for a homepage

One more thing in your Href lang code, the country code is missing.

You can use this tool to build one, at least a rough idea.

Yes you’re right (and I fixed my pages :blush:), but this is a bit off-topic in this thread. Every page should have a canonical link (if SEO is important to you), not only those in multilanguage web sites.


There are English speaking people in several countries, same for French and German. This way, eg. English-speaking people in France are advertised the adequate link for them.

In short: my web site does not target specific countries. And so it does not need hreflang values (see Auditing Hreflang Annotations: The Most Common Issues & How To Avoid Them, Irrelevant Hreflang Values).

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Yeah it is important for each and every page. It’s a bit off topic, I agree it. But if someone takes your git repo as multi language reference, they might miss this too :slight_smile:

I was added your site as multi language site reference, and found that it’s missing.

That make sense. As you wanted the site for wider reach by doing into different languages instead of countries.

thank you very much.
I have inserted the code at layouts/partials/language-selector.html
But in the menu nothing has changed

I’m not on github
Can you help me here in the board please?

Ok this is a triple post about the same support request.

This is not how things work in this forum.