Manual Summary Splitting with <!--more--> is also restoring white space? how to have it summarize, but without the added white space?

Here is a post I added:

This is the first sentence in my content.

This is the second sentence in my content.

This is the third sentence in my content.

This is the fourth sentence in my content.

Normally when I add a post, the post shows up on the front page like this:

This is the first sentence in my content. This is the second sentence in
 my content. This is the third sentence in my content. This is the fourth
  sentence in my content.  Read more->

If I add the <!--more--> tag then the white spacing is restored:

This is the first sentence in my content.

This is the second sentence in my content.
This is the third sentence in my content.

This is the fourth sentence in my content.

results in:

This is the first sentence in my content.

This is the second sentence in my content.


However I wish it resulted in:

This is the first sentence in my content. This is the second sentence in
 my content. Read more->

I am guessing there is a way to manually split the summary without affecting the white space from what it normally does? I am having trouble find it, I have looked here: