Joplin: a FOSS note-taking app for mobile and desktop that can export to Hugo

Lately I’ve been looking at mobile apps that can sync to the cloud.

Joplin caught my eye since it is Open Source (MIT Licence) and also there is a plugin that can export to Markdown files with YAML front matter for a Hugo project.

I will be using this workflow for a coming Hugo project, since I like having a mobile app to generate the content and at the same time having everything organised in a digital notebook.


I am using joplin for quite some time and it eventually clicked on me that indeed it might be a way to enable “on-the-road” adding of content to a statically generated site. so the setup would be something like this:

  • write markdown in joplin, multiple clients, syncing via e.g., nextcloud (host 1)
  • export / cp to a hugo content directory (host 2)
  • trigger a hugo build on host 2 (could be a cron or maybe something more sophisticated)
  • cp the public dir to the web server (host 3)

NB: hosts 1/2/3 could be just one VPS.

Have not implemented this and it has certainly limited functionality (e.g. not adding pics or other media) but it does enable working on the website from a mobile