I18N - Country-codes as part of the URL

Here’s the version we’re on:
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.21 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2017-05-22T13:12:19Z

Just checked again to make sure, config is set to dk and the language file is also set right. A few months ago we’ve encountered the same issue with another website we’ve built but we just went ahead with ‘da’ instead of ‘dk’ in order to avoid tackling this issue.

We’ve also tried some other shortcodes in order to test it:

‘dk’ <- fails
’gb’ <- fails, should be Great Britain, but ‘uk’ works
’at’ <- fails, should be Austria

‘no’ <- works
’se’ <- works
’br’ <- works
’en-eu’ <- works, even if it’s not an official country code
’eu’ <- works, probably cause it detects it as the language ‘Basque’
‘oo’ <- fails, however it’s expected as this is not an official country code

By the way :slight_smile: thank you for the fast reply!