Hugo website fails to render

Hello there. I’ve been using hugo for a while now, seemed to be okay until recently after updating to the latest version. While trying to get a work around I reinstalled my theme and everything worked fine on the local server. After building the site in R’s blogdown, it renders okay locally, looks like this

But the website itself shows something different, like this . I don’t understand exactly what causes this, I’d appreciate any help you can offer. Here’s the link to the source files Thanks.

is not found. Is that the issue or something unrelated?

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Hey Patrick, initially it only showed the menu items and the hugo footer. I decided to host the site on Render which could have resulted to what you are seeing now but it I used a different subdomain.

I wonder if (at this point) the problem isn’t with hugo, but with your DNS settings?

The URL you’ve given us points to a broken GitHub pages site…but you’ve said you’re hosting on

Well, the issue had actually been caused by an update on hugo, v0.55. I was getting this and several other warnings

Page's .RSSLink is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Output Format's link, e.g. something like: {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" }}{{ . RelPermalink }}{{ end }}.

So I decided to reinstall everything including the theme I was using, Mainroad theme which for some reason solved everything locally, the site rendered okay but differently on my domain name, then . It only rendered the menu items and the default hugo footer. Just to clarify on your point, the broken site came after deciding to host on render because the guys at rbind couldn’t help.

I cloned your site, and there’s something wrong with the Git Submodules. There isn’t a .gitmodules file in the root directory, and this would cause problems with render building your site. It’s probably working on your local machine because you’ve got cloned the files for your theme, but on the build server, they’re not being downloaded.

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Thank you, I’ll let you know once I get this sorted out.

Hi guys, I did my best to try sort out the issue. I’m back to where it all stated. The image bellow has the warning messages from Hugo which I was unable to sort at first. On the viewer is how the website renders instead of fully showing everything.