Hugo vs Wordpress

Right, so they have a DAM that properly handles, catalogues, and manages such assets.

As in, I wouldn’t use WordPress as a single source for managing large amounts of images because that’s not what it’s meant to do. I’d keep images, and this depends on the value of the IP (eg, marketing images vs high resolution pathology slides), in a system designed to manage large amounts of images. If said DAM has the ability to resize and act as a CDN, even better. It’s the same reason I wouldn’t use WordPress for document management or as an intranet…and I wouldn’t use Hugo either for such use cases either.

Keep in mind that my current agency is largely .NET, and in terms of publishing, that means Episerver and Sitecore, although we have done some Craft, other random CMSs, and other custom builds. My point is that there is a specific tool for every job, which was also @jhabdas closing remark :smile: