Hugo v0.101.0 Released

The hl_inline option is especially cool after one goes into the appropriate CSS/SCSS for Chroma and adds .code-inline styling to each line of what’s already there for .chroma (easy in VS Code or similar editors). For example:

/* Prior to Hugo 0.101.0 */
/* Background */ .chroma { color: #d0d0d0; background-color: #202020 }
/* Name */ .chroma .n { color: #ff9970 }
/* ... etc. */
/* For `hl-inline` option in Hugo 0.101.0 */
/* Background */ .chroma, .code-inline { color: #d0d0d0; background-color: #202020 }
/* Name */ .chroma .n, .code-inline .n { color: #ff9970 }
/* ... etc. */
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