How to modify front-matter to have a correct image folder with asciidoctor

I don’t use GitLab CI so I’m not sure if my suggestion will work for that, but here’s what I suggest:

  1. Do not set the imagesdir attribute in your AsciiDoc Document Header (or anywhere). This will make it easier to figure out what’s going on.
  2. In one of your .adoc files, experiment with images that use relative and absolute paths, e.g.:
    A. image::./images/foo.png[alt text]
    B. image::/images/bar.png[alt text]

For 2B, the abosolute path /images should point to the directory root/static/images. For 2A, the relative path ./images might point to the directory root/content/post/images but I don’t know if Hugo will copy that images directory (that’s a subdirectory of the post directory) to the public directory when you do a build (using hugo as opposed to hugo -server). All my .adoc files are leaf bundles and the relative-path images reside in the bundle. I wrote about how I do things here:

Please let us know if you can get this working. I’m also learning about how to use Hugo and AsciiDoc.