How to investigate why I have "tags" post type (single and list pages)


I don’t remember creating “tags” post type but I found these when I saw google search console indexing the /tags/ page which is empty. I did command+F “tags” in my code base but nothing found. Does HUGO auto generate these pages? If I made these, where should I check to see if this is the post type I created?

If you have a tags taxonomy enabled: yes

Where can I check to see if I enabled it?

its enabled by default:

Can I prevent the /tags/ page from getting indexed? The page is empty…

It will be better to not generate unwanted pages. Things not there won’t be indexed :wink:

If you don’t use taxonomies at all, just disable them in your hugo.toml

disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]

if you use categories, but no other , customize the taxonomy

   category = "categories"

now only /public/categories will be created

btw. that’s documented in the posted link…

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