Help setting up directory/ URL structure, categories and taxonomies

Hello, I truly appreciate the great work everyone is putting in the community. I have mostly been a WP Admin guy. During the adsense years I had many active sites but now only few. The hosting if not with lscache for WP is useless (almost) with the increase in cost of good host that provide decent plans I started looking for alternatives as i have CMS type requirement. Technically i only understand html and css.

I followed the video of lukesmith and lamadev and I could get it going and one article from cloudcannon helped understand the folder structure and difference between and

I have a few queries-

  1. I have two groups teacher and students. I want to make categories and taxonomies specific for the two groups like gender:male when selected browsing/ in teacher group should only show Male Teachers and when the same category is selected while browsing student it should show male students

another example being if school is selected while browsing through teacher group it should show teachers teaching in the particular school and if it is selected browsing student is should show student in that particular school.

  1. How can I use taxonomy in the body? I know how to use it in the top between +++ +++
    Name- Mandela
    School- St Adventist (Clickable taxonomy to filter result just like category)
    Grade- 5 (Clickable taxonomy…)
    Gender- Male (Clickable taxonomy…)

Please be kind I am just starting.