Hacker News is discussing Hugos documentation, pain points

So first thing first start with what is Hugo.Currently when you visit the Hugo docs you see this

About Hugo

Hugo is not your average static site generator.

It is answering indirectly that it is a static site generator. it should 1st state clearly what it is and how it can be used and then we can discuss how it is not an average static site generator.

After the overview the list goes like this:

I don’t know why the list order is like this I believe what is Hugo should be the first in list. We can first learn why the order of content is like this, it will give us an insight of the documentation creator and then we can suggest better.

For me documentation should be like human interaction you introduce yourself first and then what you do and then you tell how and why you are better at what you are doing and other things.

This is what I suggest as a starting point to get an answer on the method or idea behind current documentation order.



I quite like where the discussion about Hugo’s documentation is going and it is good to keep the discussion active! Even if it takes months or few years…Hugo has a variety of hidden gems buried in the docs that restructuring the docs altogether could help beginners and intermediate users alike. Again, keep this discussion going!

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The Diataxis documentation framework that I mentioned in my original post is catching on and I still think this is a worthy goal to pursue for Hugo. Unfortunately I do not have time to contribute much atm, other than to keep raising awareness of the current pain points and the benefits of something like Diataxis.

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