Best practices for using front matter content in partials

I am looking here for advice from the most devoted people since I am finding this thing with partials a structural issue.

To give a heads-up, I am building a presentation site for a company using Bootstrap. Layouts are highly different, and I approach partials as flexible building blocks (i.e., a container with image background, heading and buttons) rather than themed content building blocks (i.e., a partial is used exclusively as a container to inform about “spaceship manufacturing” with a different spaceship name at multiple sites").

Now the problem is the way I define and use the content in the partials. I want the partials to be content-agnostic and assume only predefined keys. Look at this example:


title: Spaceships
layout: spaceships
  heading: Building spaceships
  text: We build spaceships for anyone anywhere!

Layout spaceships.html:

{{ define "main" . }}
{{ partial "infobox.html" (dict "context" . "data" .Params.spaceships_building) }}
{{ end }}

Partial infobox.html:

<!-- I still have the access to the page context -->
{{ with .data }}
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-12">
    <h1>{{ .heading }}</h1>
    <p>{{ .text }}</p>
{{ end }}

I feel the bad practice here is that I pass the same data twice, once with the page context, the second time as the variable .data itself. But at least, the partials can only assume the given names, like .data and than of course, the unified structure within these data (.heading, .text).

I see two alternatives to this approach, which both I feel are even worse for my case.
One, I can scope the infobox.html partial directly in the spaceships.html layout. But that will prevent me from accessing the page content whatsoever.
The other, I can just call the partial as usually: {{ partial "infobox.html" . }} and scope by the desired front-matter key in the partial:

<!-- infobox.html -->
{{ with .Params.spaceships_building }}
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-12">
    <h1>{{ .heading }}</h1>
    <p>{{ .text }}</p>
{{ end }}

But now the partial assumes the “spaceships_building” section and is practically non-reusable in my setting.

I am definitely missing something cunning here and thus, searching for an alternative to these approaches so I can use partials in this way without negative side effects. Thanks!

Why do you need the spaceship_building anyway, if all pages with layout spaceship have a heading and a text front matter entry?

Well let’s say, the spaceship layout is a little more general (should have chosen a different name), serving three different pages regarding spaceships - one is spaceships.html, others are mechanics.html and launch.html, for example. And, there is this specific part of spaceships.html talking about building them. I want to use the infobox for this part exactly with the information provided under spaceships_building. Thing is, there might be other sections that utilize infobox on the same page (I’d need a different key and then heading and text under it), or the other pages use it with different specific information.

It is not that all pages would have the layout with heading and text somewhere. The idea is these are just assumed by the partials and can be thus reused throughout the page under different parts to my liking.