BaseURL path (subdir) sometimes ignored by relURL, absURL

Another (shorted) example (with relURL)

{{- $myFaviconVersion := default `a_random_value`   $.Site.Params.favicon.version }}
{{- $myFaviconPath    := default `/images/favicons` $.Site.Params.favicon.path    }}
  <link rel="shortcut icon"                         href='{{(printf `%s/%s?v=%s` $myFaviconPath `favicon.ico`                $myFaviconVersion ) | relURL }}' />
  <meta name="msapplication-TileImage"           content='{{(printf `%s/%s?v=%s` $myFaviconPath `mstile-144x144.png`         $myFaviconVersion ) | relURL }}' />

works with BaseURL (with subdir) and HUGO_CANONIFYURLS=false (the default)

 <link rel="shortcut icon"                         href='/foo/bar/images/favicons/favicon.ico?v=a_random_value' />
  <meta name="msapplication-TileImage"           content='/foo/bar/images/favicons/mstile-144x144.png?v=a_random_value' />

but works not with HUGO_CANONIFYURLS=true

  <link rel="shortcut icon"                         href='' />
  <meta name="msapplication-TileImage"           content='/images/favicons/mstile-144x144.png?v=a_random_value' />

possible fix:

  <meta name="msapplication-TileImage"           content='{{(printf `./%s/%s?v=%s` $myFaviconPath `mstile-144x144.png`         $myFaviconVersion ) | absURL }}' />

(note the ./ in the printf)

So it is probably expected that I know which attributes hugo recognises as a “link” and are processed differently (e.g. href vs content)