Airspace Hugo - How to include new icons

Hi there! I want to include more different icons in my “service.yml” file.
I found already updated icons in “ionicons.svg” file, where I supose the information of those is collected.
So, I supose if I include the svg information of new icons I want to update I should write it here(“ionicons.svg”).
This is how they are written:
> <glyph glyph-name=“ion-xbox” unicode=“”

d=“M95 200c-49 -72 -50 -139 -50 -143c-28 38 -45 84 -45 135c0 67 30 128 77 169l3 -1c51 -18 93 -68 93 -68s-38 -33 -78 -92zM448 192c0 -51 -17 -97 -45 -135c0 4 -1 71 -50 143c-40 59 -78 92 -78 92s42 50 93 68l3 1c47 -41 77 -102 77 -169zM169 367
c-37 17 -65 12 -72 10c36 25 80 39 127 39s91 -14 127 -39c-7 2 -35 6 -72 -10c-29 -13 -55 -35 -55 -35s-26 22 -55 35zM327 155c40 -49 54 -85 62 -108l2 -5c-41 -46 -101 -74 -167 -74s-126 28 -167 74l1 5c8 23 23 59 63 108c46 57 103 94 103 94s57 -37 103 -94z” />

My questions…

  • How can I definde the unicode for each new icon? If I only write the svg information it is not working at all.

Can anybody help me whit this?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @palomm,

You should not change the contents of this file. It’s the ionicons icon font. You can find all included icons here:

You can find the documentation for Airspace here: Airspace.

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