Adding anchor next to headers

Your code

{{ .Content | replaceRE "(<h[1-6] id=\"(.+)\".*>)(.*)(</h([1-6])>)" "<a class=\"h${5}-anchor\" href=\"#${2}\">#</a>${1}${3}${4}" | safeHTML }}

(…I just escaped the " of the class…)

worked like charm. Thank you!

The only thing I had to modify was to set my headings to inline (if not the a-tag and the h-tag will appear on two different lines) and to adapt the font size of the a-tag to that of the h-tag).

It works and looks really good.

BTW: I saw it first on this page.


I have a partial with the name headings-anchor.html which I call in my list.html with {{ partial "headings-anchor.html" .Content }}. Then I choose one of the following options:

Anchor after heading

{{ . | replaceRE "(<h[2-6] id=\"([^\"]+)\".+)(</h[2-6]+>)" "${1}&nbsp;<a class=\"anchor\" href=\"#${2}\">#</a> ${3}" | safeHTML }}


My heading 1 # 

My heading 2 #

Anchor before heading (without CSS counters)

{{ . | replaceRE "(<h[2-6] id=\"(.+)\".*>)(.*)(</h[2-6]>)" "${1}<a href=\"#${2}\">#</a>${3}${4}" | safeHTML }}


# My heading 1

# My heading 2

Anchor before heading (with CSS counters)

{{ . | replaceRE "(<h[2-6] id=\"(.+)\".*>)(.*)(</h([2-6])>)" "<a class=\"h${5}-anchor\" href=\"#${2}\">#</a>${1}${3}${4}" | safeHTML }}


# 1. My heading 1

# 2. My heading 2

For the last option I use the following CSS:

CSS counters

h1 {
  counter-reset: h2;

h2::before {
	counter-increment: h2;
	content: counter(h2) ". ";

h2 {
  counter-reset: h3;

h3::before {
	counter-increment: h3;
	content: counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". ";

h3 {
  counter-reset: h4;

…and so on.

h-anchor and h on same line

h6 {
    display: inline;

Set space between # and heading

.h6-anchor {
    margin-right: 1em;

and the font sizes of h-anchor and h should correspond.

Maybe it’s worth mentioning that replaceRE over the .Content here isn’t necessary anymore, since this issue could now be solved by using markdown render hooks.


My initial requirement was to put # before h1 headings, ## before h2 heading, etc.

As others have mentioned, this can be achieved with render hooks. This is what I’m doing:

Put this in your theme’s layouts/_default/_markup/render-heading.html file:

<h{{ .Level }} id="{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">
    <a class="heading-anchor" href="#{{ .Anchor | safeURL }}">
        {{ strings.Repeat .Level "#" }}
    {{ .Text | safeHTML }}
</h{{ .Level }}>

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