Access netlify environment variable in shortcode

<div class="reviews-parent">

{{ $reviews := getJSON (printf "" site.Params.GOOGLE_KEY )}}
  <div class="reviews-slider disable-scrollbars">
  {{ range $}}

    <div  id="_review8" itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="" class="review">

      <img src="{{ .profile_photo_url }}" alt="review profile photo"class='rev-profile' loading="lazy">

      <p class="rev-text light regular"> <span itemprop="reviewBody"> {{ .text }} </span> </p>
      <div class="rating">
         <img src="/images/star.svg" alt="star rating">
         <img src="/images/star.svg" alt="star rating">
         <img src="/images/star.svg" alt="star rating">
         <img src="/images/star.svg" alt="star rating">
         <img src="/images/star.svg" alt="star rating">

      <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name"><h5 class="rev-name"> {{ .author_name }} </h5></span></span>

      <p class="rev-date"> {{ .relative_time_description }} </p>
      <p hidden> {{ .rating }}</p>


  <img src="/images/rev-arrow.svg" alt="" id="left-arrow">
  <img src="/images/rev-arrow.svg" alt="" id="right-arrow">
  <a href="" class="main-btn-white">Leave Feedback</a>

Since all the helpful replies, here’s what I have currently.