Getting started was frustrating, the rest of it really, really easy

Thank you for the feedback @graz

First of all, if you are a new user, I’d love some feedback on the Hugo docs concept and where you think there are areas for improvement:

That said, you specifically call out the Quick Start, which has only been slightly updated in the new docs to reflect the changes Hugo has undergone since v0.15 (the time at which the original QS was written). I am planning on a complete reworking of the QS as well:

You’ll notice the connection with conversations regarding a new default theme, which I think is a great idea for introducing concepts.

All feedback on the new docs site is welcomed and appreciated.

You can create an issue on the repo ( or feel free to reply to the thread I created a few weeks back:

Glad you got things up and running despite a few hiccups. Thanks!