Does Hugo support hooks / event listeners?

Nope, there’s not. A plugin feature has been discussed earlier, and here is a discussion about things like registering external functions (which might match what you’re looking for with hooks).

To summarise what I remember from seeing the discussions:

  • Opening up Hugo to plugins and other custom code increases the workload and maintenance work of the Hugo team.
  • Might give a more negative experience to users (slower Hugo, people needing to install extensions before a particular theme can be used).
  • Organisational issues (things like, how to ensure people use the right function if a theme relies on them).
  • Plugins have the potential to reduce the security of Hugo.
  • And looking at the discussion about the possible exec shortcode: difficult to understand for non-developers (so documentation challenges).

(I’m not saying I’m against plugins or hooks, but just to recall here the points that I remember from previous discussions and issues on GitHub.)

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