Add a class to images

Thanks for sharing.

I did not want to use Hugo-specific language in my writings, as they may be shared in other processors (like Pandoc).

This is why I wrote this script (discussion and source on Github) :


# This script converts a .md Markdown file into a HTML file.
# It takes advantage of Pandoc for that, but keeps the front
# matter verbatim in order to process it into Hugo.

# tmp file:

BASE=`basename $1 .md`
DIR=`dirname $1`

# 1) Get the frontmatter into the final html file
sed -n '1 { /^---/ { :a N; /\n---/! ba; p} }' $1 > ${HTML}

# 2) Get the rest of the Markdown content in a temp file
sed '1 { /^---/ { :a N; /\n---/! ba; d} }' $1 >> ${TMP}

# 3) Convert Markdown into HTML using pandoc and append it to html file
pandoc -f markdown-yaml_metadata_block -t html --parse-raw ${TMP} >> ${HTML}

# 4) Remove the draft line
grep -v "draft:\s*true" ${HTML} > ${TMP}
mv ${TMP} ${HTML}

# LAST: The temporary file has been moved into $HTML,
# there is no need to delete it.
#rm ${TMP}

exit 0

Feel free to use it for you. You only have to reserve the draft:true for post that you want to convert to HTML using that rich and wide Markdown processor.

I put that in my deploy script:


# This script ensures the site is ok to build against Hugo.

# Uses md2htmlyaml (
# to convert complex Markdown files to HTML.

# Grep searches for all the drafts
# ...But there was many temporary files ending with ~.
DRAFTS=`grep -lr "draft:\s*true" content | grep -v "~"`

# Convert all the drafts
for i in $DRAFTS; do
  md2htmlyaml $i

# Publish
rm -rf public
hugo && rsync -avz --delete public/

exit 0

Enjoy :slight_smile: